This is a LIVE show conversation with LAHIA's Executive Director and Client Services Director. This is a great opportunity for anyone who might not know the history of LAHIA or the expansion of services we've been blessed to provide over the last 14 years!
Here is the download link: https://app.box.com/s/knhpkkn03w4af1w4z45nd5268w2z4kb9
And here it is on KC's Vimeo channel: https://vimeo.com/558565233
TC Palm / Stuart News article June 24 - read more here https://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/2020/06/24/love-and-hope-action-stuart-helps-those-need-during-pandemic/3190330001/
August 2018
Florida State Senator, Joe Negron, recently visited LAHIA at the invitation of our board member, Mike Stetson. Senator Negron toured our facility with special interest in our new commercial kitchen which was renovated with the assistance of state funds.
Senator Negron was very impressed with the kitchen and pleased with our good use of state funding!
Pictured here from l to r are: Michelle Miller, Senator Joe Negron; Brenda Dickerson, LAHIA Director; and Mike Stetson, LAHIA board member.
June 25, 2017
Twelve volunteers from BB&T spent Saturday, June 25, at Love and Hope in Action in Stuart. As part of BB&T's Lighthouse Project, the volunteers are dedicated to making the communities in
which they live and work better places to be. Since the BB&T Lighthouse Project began in 2009, volunteers have completed more than 7,700 community service projects and provided more than 385,000
volunteer hours. See photos of the volunteers in Luminaries.