Love and Hope in Action
Love and Hope in Action

Our Team

Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to treating our clients with dignity and respect, but most of all, unconditional love. 









Brenda Dickerson, President and CEO 

772.781.7002 ext 106

Jean Saco, Executive Assistant

772.781.7002 ext 110

Heyward Silcox, Director of Client Services

772.781.7002 ext 108

Peggy Hetherington, Case Manager

772.781.7002 ext 104

Steve Dickerson, Facilities Manager

772.781.7002 ext 109

Chef Carla O'Donnell, Culinary Arts Instructor

772.781.7002 ext 105

Chef Leslie Perna, Assistant Culinary Arts Instructor

Joe Murphy, Kitchen Assistant


Sharon Zettle, Office Assistant

772.781.7002 ext 100

Donna Conti, Office Assistant

772.781.7002 ext 103

Judy Stewart, Office Assistant

772.781.7002 ext 111

Our Board of Directors

Madeleine Bozone

Steve Bozzo

Dr. Alethia DuPont

William Fisher

Peter Karlan

Gail O'Brien

John Sherrard

Brian Worthy

Brenda Dickerson

Your donations are always appreciated.  To make a donation or volunteer, please call us today!   



Daily meal service items:

•breakfast meats
•fresh chicken
•ground beef
•large bags of sugar

Saturday to-go bag items:

•Nutri-Grain breakfast bars
•fruit-filled Poptarts
•variety soft nutritional bars
•family-sized cookies
•single-serve cookies

Pop-top 18-oz cans:

•Campbell's Chunky Soup

(steak & potato hearty beef barley)

Pop-top 8 oz cans:

•baked beans (Van de Camp Bush)
•Vienna and other variety sausage

Love And Hope In Action, Inc.


1760 SE Salerno Rd Stuart FL 34997

P.O. Box 1385        Port Salerno, FL 34992

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